Public Transport, Skincare and Eyecare

Public Transport, Skincare and Eyecare

Public transport is terrific in many ways. It helps the environment by cutting down on the use of private vehicles, and it’s invaluable for people who are unable to travel by their own means. But what does public transport do for your health?

Of course, it’s good for anyone’s health to occasionally exercise by walking, running or cycling. But many people do that in their spare time, whereas public transport is a solution for time-pressed journeys to work, school or appointments.

Skincare and Eyecare on Public Transport

Skincare and eyecare are areas of your health that are probably affected by habitual use of public transport. How so? Because we all behave differently on buses and trains than when driving our own car or using our legs. And we’re in an enclosed environment where the air is often still.

Below are two factors that may affect the well-being of our eyes and skin on public transport.

1: Overcrowding and Heat

Commuters in many countries are familiar with overcrowding on public transport. This is an occasional trade-off that they reluctantly accept for the sheer convenience and economy of hopping onto a bus or train. But does this affect the skin and eyes?

In a crowded train or bus, the temperature is likely to rise in many instances, making passengers sweat. Sweating is good for the skin, generally, but if sweat is not washed off, the impurities it excretes are reabsorbed. This can cause rashes or worsen existing skin conditions.

Among the steps you can take to protect your skin from the sweaty rigors of travel are these:

  • Drink plenty of water to reduce any PH imbalance.
  • Treat your skin with cleansers, moisturizers, and other products from the Verso Skincare range. Use such products to restore essential moisture and oils in your skin after washing.
  • Wear breathable fabrics such as lightweight cotton, which will wick away sweat and prevent it from sitting on your skin and becoming reabsorbed.

2: Cell Phones and Other Devices

You want to kill time while you’re on the bus, tram or train. How do you do it? Many people spend this time gazing at their cell phones. Studies suggest that long periods spent looking at a screen cause a condition called “dry eye.”

Preventative measures for dry eye include:

  • Drinking water regularly
  • Making text larger to avoid staring at the screen
  • Using eye drops
  • Taking regular breaks from the screen
  • Listening to music rather than reading

These small details will help keep your skin and eyes in tip-top shape during and after travel!
